Sharing an update from the Regional Conference, this message discusses the fact that as Christians our lives begin and end with Jesus. He is the Third Option influencing how we interact with others. ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ are the first two. 56 minutes
We Are the Chosen
We go through all kinds of mess during our lifetime, some the result of our own doing, some is not. But God has called each of us out of our mess, to bless and be a blessing to others. 33 minutes
The Peace and Joy from Above
True peace and joy aren’t based on feelings, for feelings can come and go. Rather true peace and joy are based on a relationship with God. 41 minutes
Encountering the Resurrection with Mary Magdalene – Despair and Grief
Encountering the Resurrection with Mary Magdalene – Despair and Grief, A review of Mary Magdalene’s resurrection experience. 7 minutes
God’s Favorite ‘Thinks’
When we think upon the things Paul lists in Philippians 4:4-9, we can receive God’s grace and favor as manifested through his peace in Jesus Christ. 26 minutes

Something New Is Coming
As Christians, why should we look back and yearn for the ‘good old days’ when God has promised us such an incredible future. 39 minutes

No Anxiety At All
God wants us to have full confidence of our standing with him so that we might be anxious for nothing. 19 minutes