Kindness, a fruit of the spirit, is much more than just superficial nicety. 32 minutes

Reconciliation doesn’t have to be on a grand scale, it can also be on an individual level as we all have hurt and been hurt by others. A powerful tool for reconciliation is listening. 15 minutes
Togetherness in Christ is more than just Christians standing together in Christ or the people of God in solidarity opposing unbelievers. Rather it is co-workers with Christ loving and praying equally for perpetrators of evil as well as the victims of evil. 13 minutes
When God gives us his gift of grace it changes us so that we, in turn, share the gift of grace with others. Additionally, in this world we will have troubles but when we embrace our troubles and offer them to Jesus, we will have peace in Him. 51 minutes
You and I are beloved sons and daughters of God and that knowledge should free us from all forms of captivity– strongholds of guilt, shame, fear, broken heartedness, etc. 44 minutes
God’s grace is limitless, leading to both forgiveness and empowerment as we are transformed into the image of Christ as well enabled and gifted to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 31 minutes
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a most amazing story, one that brings unity and gives courage to the hearer as it proclaims the forgiveness of sin, and describes the part we have to play in it. 45 minutes
Even near the point of death Jesus expressed concern for others. He focused on forgiveness and asked the Father to forgive us all, in addition to mercifully extending God’s grace to the lost. Now, with him spiritually dwelling within us can we do the same? 33 minutes
Forgiving others as Christ forgave us is part of our Christian love and care for others. When we forgive, we not only free the offender from the wrong they have done we also free ourselves from the prison of bitterness, anger and hatred. 47 minutes