An examination of the parable of the ten bridesmaids and how it illustrates that everyone is responsible for their own spiritual condition. 35 minutes
Called to Be Saved
A discussion of communal and individual callings as described in the bible. 45 minutes
Walking in the Supernatural
Are you tempted to have a natural relationship with a supernatural God? 57 minutes

Stay Connected
How can we maintain a fruitful, spiritual, vibrant life that is constantly renewed by the Holy Spirit and bearing fruit for God? 23 minutes
What is love? It is not an emotion, it is action, the beautiful culmination of all of the fruit of the Spirit. It is selflessness! 41 minutes

This continuation of the Fruit of the Spirit series addresses Goodness, which originates with God and generates selflessness and concern for others in humanity. 35 minutes

Continuing Study of the Book of Proverbs
Study completed chapter 11 of the book of Proverbs, focusing on verses 30 and 31. 64 minutes

Gentleness, handling people with care, is a continuation of the Fruit of the Spirit series. 34 minutes