Loving others, serving others and self sacrifice are three ways whereby we may practice humility. And humility is the equivalent of greatness in the eyes of God. 32 minutes
The Tremendous Value of Knowing Jesus
There’s nothing comparable to knowing Jesus. The apostle Paul considered all of his prior accomplishments worthless compared to having a relationship with Christ. 32 minutes
Celebrating His Departure
As we celebrate the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, we do so with the realization that it is both His departure and arrival that we are remembering. 39 minutes
I Know I Have Been Changed
In his meeting with Nicodemus, Jesus taught him something he did not already know – the true way to enter the Kingdom of God. How does that apply to us today? 37 minutes

Pharisee-ism Today?
From the beginning there has been a spirit of Pharisee-ism in the church to some degree. Do I possess any of those qualities? 29 minutes