God expresses his love through holy relationship, and as such it should be accompanied by holiness on part of the recipient. 46 minutes
The Incarnation: What You Should Remember
Ten points from the Incarnation that we should remember. 21 minutes
Jesus is Your Life
Life has to have purpose and relationships if it is to be truly meaningful. And as Christians our lives have their purpose and meaning in Jesus. We must be willing to live for Jesus. 32 minutes
I Am the Light of the World
Continuation of the Study of the Book of John – I Am the Light of the World. 46 minutes
God Cares for Us
Humans often think that God doesn’t care, but God cares about you, for you and through you. 46 minutes
Called to Be Saved
A discussion of communal and individual callings as described in the bible. 45 minutes
The Book of John – The I Am Statements
Continued study of the book of John, focusing on Jesus’ statement, I Am the Bread of Life. 45 minutes
Remembering the Work of Our Savior
Knowing God is the first step to remembering him and his glorious work for us. 28 minutes
Transformed By Wrestling
Let us boldly wrestle with God through the ups and downs of life. For like Jacob, God wants us to wrestle and persevere with Him so He can bless us even more. 33 minutes
We Can Know God’s Faithfulness
God desires relationships with His children, and the more each party is known the more genuine relationships can become. Accordingly, God wants us to know His qualities and characteristics. 28 minutes