Completion of a review of Mary Magdalene’s resurrection experience. 16 minutes
Encountering the Resurrection with Mary Magdalene – Hope and Realization
Encountering the Resurrection with Mary Magdalene – Hope and Realization 10 minutes
Encountering the Resurrection with Mary Magdalene – Despair and Grief
Encountering the Resurrection with Mary Magdalene – Despair and Grief, A review of Mary Magdalene’s resurrection experience. 7 minutes
I Am Statement Five – I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Through Bible Study Format Jesus’ claims to be the One responsible for restoring humans back to life, and His guaranteeing eternal life are discussed. 43 minutes
The Promise-filled Tomb
We now live our lives surrounded by the wonderful promises made available to us through our risen Lord, three of which being his unending presence, restoration and revival when needed and deep, intimate knowledge of him. 38 minutes
Celebrating His Departure
As we celebrate the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, we do so with the realization that it is both His departure and arrival that we are remembering. 39 minutes

We’re Never Alone
As Christians, God is always with us. Never again will we ever be alone. 49 minutes

Readers’ Theatre
A celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. 9 minutes