Focusing on the healing of the crippled woman in the synagogue on the Sabbath day, Jesus shows that he frees us from anything that prevents us from standing straight in him. 34 minutes.

Focusing on the healing of the crippled woman in the synagogue on the Sabbath day, Jesus shows that he frees us from anything that prevents us from standing straight in him. 34 minutes.
Let go of your desire to control or change others, only God can do that. Instead, strive to be gospel seed planters. 42 minutes
From the beginning there has been a spirit of Pharisee-ism in the church to some degree. Do I possess any of those qualities? 29 minutes
What is love? It is not an emotion, it is action, the beautiful culmination of all of the fruit of the Spirit. It is selflessness! 41 minutes
A mother’s love is a reflection of the love of God, selfless, enduring and unconditional. The gift of a good mother is exceeded only by the gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 26 minutes
Motherhood, often unappreciated or underrated, is actually a sacred and spiritual calling. This explains how. 17 minutes
Study completed chapter 11 of the book of Proverbs, focusing on verses 30 and 31. 64 minutes
As Christians, we are encouraged to become all things to all people so that we may show God’s love to the wide variety of people in our lives. 25 minutes
Lessons learned from the life of David, a man after God’s own heart. 50 minutes
Expressions of appreciation for the longtime service of Pastor Bermie Dizon. 58 minutes