God knew each of us before we were born (Psalm 139). He sees everything about us, even our imperfections, yet He loves us and wants us to know him. 37 minutes

God knew each of us before we were born (Psalm 139). He sees everything about us, even our imperfections, yet He loves us and wants us to know him. 37 minutes
The example of the vineyard shows how God planted and cared for Israel and yet they rebelled against Him. Unlike them, we must follow the example of the great cloud of witnesses found in Hebrews 11 and remain faithful and connected to God. 23 minutes
Do not let your concern for the future prevent you from generously supporting the work of the gospel. 38 minutes
Focusing on the healing of the crippled woman in the synagogue on the Sabbath day, Jesus shows that he frees us from anything that prevents us from standing straight in him. 34 minutes.
Let go of your desire to control or change others, only God can do that. Instead, strive to be gospel seed planters. 42 minutes
What is love? It is not an emotion, it is action, the beautiful culmination of all of the fruit of the Spirit. It is selflessness! 41 minutes
This continuation of the Fruit of the Spirit series addresses Goodness, which originates with God and generates selflessness and concern for others in humanity. 35 minutes
Pastor Anthony Walton begins a study of the book of Galatians by reviewing Galatians 1:1-9. 60 minutes