God desires for us to be faithful toward him and to demonstrate our faith. He also provide opportunities for us to do so. 37 minutes

God desires for us to be faithful toward him and to demonstrate our faith. He also provide opportunities for us to do so. 37 minutes
Study completed chapter 11 of the book of Proverbs, focusing on verses 30 and 31. 64 minutes
Gentleness, handling people with care, is a continuation of the Fruit of the Spirit series. 34 minutes
This continuation of the study of the book of Proverbs focuses on the futility of placing one’s trust in riches. 55 minutes
Mastering oneself is an important step in developing and exhibiting the other fruits of the Spirit. 39 minutes
Pastor Anthony Walton continues a study of Proverbs 11, focusing on the paradox that we become richer by being generous. 44 minutes
A continuation of the study of the book of Proverbs, focusing on Proverbs 11:20. 33 minutes
Scripture tells us to “count it all joy.” But do you know the difference between joy and happiness– and does it matter? 22 minutes