The journey to becoming a pastor was very challenging but it is important to continue to persevere in whatever of life we are in. 40 minutes

The journey to becoming a pastor was very challenging but it is important to continue to persevere in whatever of life we are in. 40 minutes
God designed us with a desire to belong– not only in relationships with human families but ultimately in eternal relationship with him. 35 minutes
When we see success in our ministry, does it need our branding? Do we see our ministry as who we are and what we do rather than who we serve? 15 minutes
Reconciliation doesn’t have to be on a grand scale, it can also be on an individual level as we all have hurt and been hurt by others. A powerful tool for reconciliation is listening. 15 minutes
Four pillars that characterize a good relationship are: it has to be personal, it has to be continually deepening, it has to be supportive, it has to faith building. 49 minutes
Giving your all to Jesus is desirable of all Christians . In this message, which is preceded by three SEP testimonials, Anthony Walton gives us tools that will help us in achieving that goal. 46 minutes
A study of the book of Proverbs focusing on verses 22 thru 36 of chapter 8. 46 minutes
A main message in bible study format focusing on Proverbs 8:1-11, facilitated by Anthony Walton and Pastor Bermie Dizon. 55 minutes