We go through all kinds of mess during our lifetime, some the result of our own doing, some is not. But God has called each of us out of our mess, to bless and be a blessing to others. 33 minutes
Purpose, Expectancy and Hope in Waiting
An examination of the parable of the ten bridesmaids and how it illustrates that everyone is responsible for their own spiritual condition. 35 minutes
We Can Know God’s Faithfulness
God desires relationships with His children, and the more each party is known the more genuine relationships can become. Accordingly, God wants us to know His qualities and characteristics. 28 minutes
Responding to Temptation with Faith
Jesus shows us how to resist temptation by relying upon the word of God. 30 minutes
The Better High Priest
Jesus entered into our suffering that he might be a better high priest on our behalf. 28 minutes
The God of Restoration
We all need to be restored by God– hence we must go to the one who can restore, acknowledge our brokenness, ask him to restore our soul, and patiently await his response. 40 minutes

A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On
In his prophecy recorded in Luke 21:5-19, Jesus issues four “Do not” commands for responding to end-time events, and they relate to the four facets of human relationships. Altogether they produce a major shake-up of our lives for God’s purpose. But how? 17 minutes

God Meets You In Your Exile
Exile can be physical or spiritual, it can be imposed upon us or of our own volition; however, regardless of its type or cause, God promises to meet us in whatever “exile” we experience. 46 minutes

The Vine
The example of the vineyard shows how God planted and cared for Israel and yet they rebelled against Him. Unlike them, we must follow the example of the great cloud of witnesses found in Hebrews 11 and remain faithful and connected to God. 23 minutes