As Christians, we are called to an entirely new existence in Christ. An existence characterized by humility, service and an outgoing concern for others. 41 minutes
The Importance of Kingdom Participation Now 2
All Christians are called to share the good news of the coming of the king and establishment of his kingdom. These tips may make your witness more effective. 43 minutes
The Paradox of Humility
Loving others, serving others and self sacrifice are three ways whereby we may practice humility. And humility is the equivalent of greatness in the eyes of God. 32 minutes
Let This Mind Be In You
As Christians, we should strive to have the same mindset or thinking that Christ had. For example, he epitomized humility, and we should strive to do likewise. 35 minutes
Let Go
Let go of your desire to control or change others, only God can do that. Instead, strive to be gospel seed planters. 42 minutes
Gentleness, handling people with care, is a continuation of the Fruit of the Spirit series. 34 minutes
Cast Your Anxieties on Him For He Cares For You
The connection between humility and our ability to deal with anxiety. 21 minutes