Hebrews 11 is known as “the faith chapter.” But what is faith? How do we exercise the kind of faith that pleases God? This message reveals the answers to these questions and more by expounding on the first six verses of Hebrews 11. 23 minutes
Hebrews 11 is known as “the faith chapter.” But what is faith? How do we exercise the kind of faith that pleases God? This message reveals the answers to these questions and more by expounding on the first six verses of Hebrews 11. 23 minutes
After the author tells us of the many “we have…” statements, he goes on to five exhortations that begin with “Let Us…” We have someone superior to everything. We have a Great High Priest ordained from eternity. We have a much better covenant. We have one sacrifice for all time. We have someone who told…
God requires perfection to be in his kingdom, but it is impossible for humanity to attain perfection by its own efforts. In Christ God has made us all perfect forever. Today Pastor Bermie Dizon continues his discussion of this one time sacrifice and its everlasting benefits. 50 minutes
The superiority of Christ in defining our relationship with God is evident in this comparison with old covenant rituals. 60 minutes
Our study of the book of Hebrews continues with chapter 8, which declares Jesus as the supreme High Priest of the New Covenant and quotes a passage from Jeremiah 31 that tells why the new is better than the old. This message also answers the question, “Why do we need Jesus as our High Priest?” 30 minutes
In Christ, we now have a high priest who perfectly fits our need! 50 minutes
The early church in Jerusalem had reached a point where they lacked the desire for further understanding of the way of God, they were content with what little they knew of Jesus and sought to retain many of their old covenant traditions and ceremonies. In this sermon pastor Bermie Dizon shows that God’s way is the way…
In Christ we are in God’s grip of grace eternally. Jesus is our everything, including our good shepherd who watches over us, provides and cares for us, as well as seeks and rescues us in our time of need. 42 minutes
Are you weary and burdened, do you worry about life’s uncertainties, do you fear what tomorrow might bring? God’s invitation to enter his rest still stands, and it is offered to all. Pastor Bermie Dizon expounds on God’s gracious invitation in this inspiring message. 50 minutes
Continuing to expound on the superiority of Christ, after being shown that Jesus is superior to the angels we are now shown that Jesus is greater than Moses. 53 minutes