Worship Service on Saturdays, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
First Presbyterian Church of Inglewood
100 N. Hillcrest Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90301
Click here for directions


All In

Giving your all to Jesus is desirable of all Christians .  In this message, which is preceded by three SEP testimonials, Anthony Walton gives us tools that will help us in achieving that goal.  46 minutes

Set Free From What

You and I are beloved sons and daughters of God and that knowledge should free us from all forms of captivity– strongholds of guilt, shame, fear, broken heartedness, etc.  44 minutes


Do you experience fear in life?  God does not want us to live in fear, pursue a proper relationship with God and live a life without fear.  37 minutes

The Multi-Cultural Church

As Christians we are more than mere human beings due to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  And as such we are to accept and welcome everyone, unconditionally, as Jesus has accepted us.  Doing so is tantamount to worshiping God, for he intended that his church should be a multi-cultural church from the very beginning. …

The Intercessors

Jesus Christ is the great intercessor.  His main mission in coming to the earth was to be our advocate, to intercede for us.  Even on the cross he was interceding for us and he continues to do so even today.  He has invited us to participate in his mission by interceding on behalf of others,…

Face to Face

Did the Father truly abandon Jesus when he bore the sins of world on the cross?  Does he abandon us when we are at our weakest point?  39 minutes

A Fantastic Story

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a most amazing story, one that brings unity and gives courage to the hearer as it proclaims the forgiveness of sin, and describes the part we have to play in it.  45 minutes