Worship Service on Saturdays, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
First Presbyterian Church of Inglewood
100 N. Hillcrest Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90301
Click here for directions


Journey With Christ

Our Christian life can be described as an unending journey with Jesus, characterized by worship, witness, delight and growth.  47 minutes

Understanding God Through Prayer

We do not pray on our own, as no Christian prayer occurs apart from God.  He is fully involved in our prayers, for we pray to the Father by the authority of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.  This fact should inspire us to pray in complete confidence.  34 minutes

He Is Risen!

The presentation of a script celebrating the risen Savior and the forgiveness and reconciliation that we receive through him.  36 minutes

A Study of Mark 16

As the world concludes the season celebrating Jesus’ birth, this worship service in Bible Study format focuses on the passage in the final chapter of Mark that describes the women’s encounter at Jesus’ empty tomb–where the angel declares, “He has risen!”  58 minutes

Crucifixion Before Christmas

Jesus Christ came to earth in human form for the specific purpose of dying for humanity, so that we might be reconciled to God and restored to a proper relationship with him forever.  Before he was born he knew that he would be rejected, abused and horribly crucified, yet he came anyway.   20 minutes

Why Did Jesus Talk So Much About Himself?

Jesus made many remarkable statements during his ministry that set the Jewish religious leadership on edge, not the least of which were statements regarding himself.  In the annuls of history no other religious entity ever made statements of this nature.  What did he say?  58 minutes

Hebrews 4: Entering God’s Rest

Are you weary and burdened, do you worry about life’s uncertainties, do you fear what tomorrow might bring?  God’s invitation to enter his rest still stands, and it is offered to all.  Pastor Bermie Dizon expounds on God’s gracious invitation in this inspiring message.  50 minutes