Is the church failing to fully meet all of the needs of mothers? 24 minutes
Agents of Change
As the Light of the World, Jesus is the ultimate agent of change in the world, and He laid the foundation for renewal and reconciliation of humanity. As Christians we must follow his example of being agents of change. 26 minutes
God’s Self Revealing Through Jesus
In Christ God reveals himself as the mediator of the new covenant, the advocate on behalf of humanity and sustainer of the relationship between humans and the triune God. 26 minutes
Bible Study Format – Continuation of the GCI Statement of Beliefs – Humanity
Continuation of GCI Statement of Beliefs – Humanity 62 minutes
Walking in the Supernatural
Are you tempted to have a natural relationship with a supernatural God? 57 minutes
Instruments of Peace
As Christians, we should strive to tear down ungodly walls of division. 30 minutes
The Community of Love
God has created us for community, that we might have relationship and common unity with others and with him. 37 minutes

Study of Galatians 4:8-20
Today’s worship was in our monthly bible study format and we continued our study of the book of Galatians, focusing on verses 8-20 of chapter 4. 49 minutes

He Knows You
God knew each of us before we were born (Psalm 139). He sees everything about us, even our imperfections, yet He loves us and wants us to know him. 37 minutes