Hospitality can be considered an attribute of God, as He has always commanded his people to practice hospitality. 36 minutes
Celebrating His Departure
As we celebrate the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, we do so with the realization that it is both His departure and arrival that we are remembering. 39 minutes
Great Expectations in Christ
Great expectations should lead to increased excitement, anticipation and participation. 43 minutes
Memorial Service Celebrating the Life of Jean Esther Campbell Pt. 2
Memorial service celebrating the life of Jean Esther Campbell Pt. 2 9 minutes
Memorial Service Celebrating the Life of Jean Esther Campbell Pt. 1
Memorial service celebrating the life of Jean Esther Campbell 64 minutes
The Hope of the Gospel for Those Who Are Oppressed
The gospel provides a hope, a confident expectation, of liberty to all who are oppressed. 28 minutes

A Day In The Life
You think you had a busy day, note this example in the life of our Lord and Savior. 47 minutes

We’re Never Alone
As Christians, God is always with us. Never again will we ever be alone. 49 minutes