Worship Service on Sundays, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church of Inglewood
100 N. Hillcrest Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90301
Click here for directions

John Graham

Choose Joy!

As Christians we are told to always rejoice but do we?  If the source of our joy is the things of the world then our joy is uncertain.  But if the source of our joy is the Lord and our relationship with him then our joy is certain, even in times of sorrow.  40 minutes

Prayer Devotionals

Devotional messages and prayers focusing on today’s youth, the need for protection for churches, the elderly, the nation and GCI denomination.  64 minutes

A Boy Named Sue

Seldom do we love God as we should but it has no effect upon his unfailing redemptive love for us.  The prophet Hosea’s life was a testimony of the Father’s unconditional love.  16 minutes

Transformed By The Resurrection

The disciples were radically changed by the presence of their risen Lord, totally transformed.  We too can experience a similar transformation when we enter into a relationship with our risen Lord and Savior.  52 minutes

Confidence in Me?

God exhibited a certain degree of confidence in Job when Satan was permitted to greatly persecute him, does he have a similar confidence in Christians today?  18 minutes

Jesus Is Our Good Shepherd

In Christ we are in God’s grip of grace eternally.  Jesus is our everything, including our good shepherd who watches over us, provides and cares for us, as well as seeks and rescues us in our time of need.  42 minutes

By What Authority?

A delegation representing the Jewish religious leadership confronted Jesus as he was teaching in the temple and challenged his authority to do the things that he did.  John and Rosa Graham discuss his response to this challenge in a study of Mark 11 & 12.   65 minutes

The Promise

God has made several promises to his people.  They are usually unconditional and always certain.  John Graham discusses the promised gift of the Holy Spirit as preached in Acts 2 and the assurance it gives all believers.  35 minutes