Expressions of appreciation for the longtime service of Pastor Bermie Dizon. 58 minutes

Expressions of appreciation for the longtime service of Pastor Bermie Dizon. 58 minutes
Do Christians continue in our walk of faith– even with all challenges and trials that come with it– because we are drawn to an irresistible Jesus? 39 minutes
The God who made the thunder and lightning, the Mighty God wants to marry us. Throughout the bible, the recurring metaphor is that God is our husband and the church is his bride. 22 minutes
As Christians we are more than mere human beings due to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And as such we are to accept and welcome everyone, unconditionally, as Jesus has accepted us. Doing so is tantamount to worshiping God, for he intended that his church should be a multi-cultural church from the very beginning. …
The “Great Commission” Jesus gave his disciples, described in Mathew 28:18-20, also applies to the church today. Collectively, Christians are called to bring the Light of Jesus to a spiritually dark world, serving as ambassadors and soldiers on behalf of his kingdom. Because each of us is unique, God’s plan for each person fulfilling that…
Diversity can lead to division as people live different lives influenced by different traditions and backgrounds. Such division often generates fear, distrust and discrimination. The church is called to be a Christ-centered community in diversity, overcoming differences in practices and customs through love. Here pastor Bermie Dizon discusses how we can learn to live and work with people…
Do you get disappointed with the church? If so, welcome to the real church! Pastor Bermie Dizon discusses how we should deal with disappointment within the body of Christ. 38 minutes
Jesus said “I will build my church.” If you are a Christian, do you know for sure that you belong in the body of Christ? This message explains how you can know the answer — and why it is important. 35 minutes
An important aspect of life and Christian ministry is teamwork. Human beings are social creatures and usually the more we are able to involve others in our endeavors the more effective we can be. 28 minutes
The bible says the church is married to Jesus. Jesus is the bridegroom. What does it really mean to be married to Jesus? 42 minutes