Suffering can be a tool used by God to help us grow spiritually. This sermon discusses some of the spiritual benefits of suffering. 31 minutes

Suffering can be a tool used by God to help us grow spiritually. This sermon discusses some of the spiritual benefits of suffering. 31 minutes
The nature of human conflict, such as the incident in Charlottesville, reveals a spiritually based problem of the heart. This message addresses how God sees the problem and provides the solution through His Word. 47 minutes
God loves all humanity and invites us to participate in this love relationship. He wants us to RSVP– to respond. 35 minutes
God has a heart for babies who meet untimely death– such as those miscarried, stillborn or aborted. Using Psalm 130 as our guide, we learn that because God is eternal and omnipresent he is present when babies are conceived and when they die, and there is hope for their future in his master plan for…
The physical role of motherhood pictures the loving, nurturing relationship we have with God and the church. 15 minutes
God placed two mothers in this child’s life to ensure his nurturing and development, and the fulfillment of his own divine purpose. 14 minutes
Our God constantly renews and refreshes. In fact he is the God of Renewal, in the past, present and future, and his renewal always begin in a person’s heart. Are you being renewed by God? 42 minutes
What makes up a Christian home? Pastor Bermie Dizon briefly discusses the great mystery of Christ in us and how it affect our lives. 17 minutes
Anthony Mullins, director of GCI’s Generations Ministries, talks about how God works through messiness in our lives. 39 minutes.