Continuation of the Fruit of the Spirit series: Forbearance 29 minutes
All Things to All People
As Christians, we are encouraged to become all things to all people so that we may show God’s love to the wide variety of people in our lives. 25 minutes
The Letter
As Christians, we show that we are a letter from Jesus to humanity as we reflect his love, care and concern for others in our lives. 44 minutes
Self Control
Mastering oneself is an important step in developing and exhibiting the other fruits of the Spirit. 39 minutes
Study of Proverbs 11:25
Pastor Anthony Walton continues a study of Proverbs 11, focusing on the paradox that we become richer by being generous. 44 minutes
Jesus Revealed
How can we be ready to give an answer to those who deny the deity of Jesus and how can we live in such a way that Jesus is revealed in us. This message explains. 22 minutes
Retaining The Knowledge of God
Remembering God and being thankful for his many blessings were fundamental in the development of this nation. 15 minutes
Give Thanks In All Circumstances
How are Christians able to give thanks in all circumstances? 12 minutes
A People After God’s Own Heart
Lessons learned from the life of David, a man after God’s own heart. 50 minutes