Worship Service on Saturdays, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
First Presbyterian Church of Inglewood
100 N. Hillcrest Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90301
Click here for directions

Christian Living

The Irresistible Jesus

Do Christians continue in our walk of faith– even with all challenges and trials that come with it– because we are drawn to an irresistible Jesus?  39 minutes

Welcome Home

God designed us with a desire to belong– not only in relationships with human families but ultimately in eternal relationship with him.  35 minutes

The Bride of Christ

The God who made the thunder and lightning, the Mighty God wants to marry us.  Throughout the bible, the recurring metaphor is that God is our husband and the church is his bride.  22 minutes

Empires and Kingdoms

When we see success in our ministry, does it need our branding?  Do we see our ministry as who we are and what we do rather than who we serve?  15 minutes

Permission Giving

God wants us to be hero-makers, not always the hero.  As Christ’s leaders, we can use our power to empower others by giving them permission to be leaders.  15 minutes

Seeing Through God’s Eyes

God’s ways and eyes are distinct from humans.  He sees beyond limitations, reputations, people’s past, logic and reason.  God sees with purpose.  We can change our thinking to be more in line with His when we look to Jesus.  21 minutes


Reconciliation doesn’t have to be on a grand scale, it can also be on an individual level as we all have hurt and been hurt by others.  A powerful tool for reconciliation is listening.  15 minutes


Togetherness in Christ is more than just Christians standing together in Christ or the people of God in solidarity opposing unbelievers.  Rather it is co-workers with Christ loving and praying equally for perpetrators of evil as well as the victims of evil.  13 minutes