God wants us to be hero-makers, not always the hero. As Christ’s leaders, we can use our power to empower others by giving them permission to be leaders. 15 minutes

God wants us to be hero-makers, not always the hero. As Christ’s leaders, we can use our power to empower others by giving them permission to be leaders. 15 minutes
God’s ways and eyes are distinct from humans. He sees beyond limitations, reputations, people’s past, logic and reason. God sees with purpose. We can change our thinking to be more in line with His when we look to Jesus. 21 minutes
Reconciliation doesn’t have to be on a grand scale, it can also be on an individual level as we all have hurt and been hurt by others. A powerful tool for reconciliation is listening. 15 minutes
Togetherness in Christ is more than just Christians standing together in Christ or the people of God in solidarity opposing unbelievers. Rather it is co-workers with Christ loving and praying equally for perpetrators of evil as well as the victims of evil. 13 minutes
In today’s world everything is politicized and people are often divided as they embrace different worldviews. As Christians, we will meet many people with differing worldviews. How are we to deal with that? 23 minutes
It’s natural to look for satisfaction in or lives, but are we looking to the right source? Is our place in the world only to fill a certain role during this life– or is there something far greater for us? 44 minutes
When God gives us his gift of grace it changes us so that we, in turn, share the gift of grace with others. Additionally, in this world we will have troubles but when we embrace our troubles and offer them to Jesus, we will have peace in Him. 51 minutes
God’s responses to our prayers go beyond words and many times his answers are unexpected. We must become more in tune with how God responds. 34 minutes
We gather together because Jesus is alive and we are more effective when we come together than when we’re apart. 22 minutes
Each of us goes through ‘days’ or periods in our lives, and we can plan for what we hope to achieve “one day” in our lives. 32 minutes